Page 7 - Demo
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Our online portal provides end-to-endvisibility of your shipments from origin todestination.We are committed to environmentalsustainability, and aim to contributepositively to our planet, we are alsodedicated to supporting you on yourjourney.MyCKFExperience A Seamless Supply ChainWith A Modern Technology PlatformComplete visibilityinto your entireshipment activityImproved planningand flexibility throughnear real-time data.Streamlinedcommunication withvendors, suppliersPowerful turn-keyanalytics to makebetter decisionsPersonalisedsupport at everystep of the journeyA modern, userfreindly experiencefor easy adoptionMonitor your carbon footprint byproviding you with insightful data andanalysis.Eliminate the frustration of endless emailexchanges. Strengthen clearer communicationwith your customers, ensuring they always haveeasy access to essential documents with out thehassle of searching.In-app communication managementDocument exchangeTrend analysis for trade lanes and transit timesConfigurable notifications and alertsC02 calculationsCustomisable reportingGLEC framework compliantWelcome to MyCKF - a modern solution that brings transparency andpredictability to your supply chain.